Hi, I’m Dave and I am here to help!

If you are here, I am willing to bet you have been through some tough times.

I know what it is like to be diagnosed with a chronic illness. The worry that overtook me after my diagnoses nearly stopped me in my tracks. Not knowing what the future might hold; in time I found ways to cope with my diagnosis.

I am here as living proof that you can overcome, and that is what I want you to realize about yourself.

Each article is meant to give you tips on how to impact the areas of your life you can control. Partnered with the articles, I host the Can’t Stop Me Community, where members are all about the positive steps they are taking towards overcoming their illness, no negative stories here! Thank you for the opportunity to help you live the life you deserve!

If you are interested in learning more about what lead me to start this website, read below.

My Story

The year: 2013. I am at a work conference when I notice my left foot beginning to drag on the ground. “Hmmm”, I think to myself. “Must just be a muscle sprain”.

The day goes on, and I think nothing of it. That afternoon we get an hour break and I decide to take a quick nap. When I wake up, I am confused and worried; I cannot move my toes. No matter how hard I try my foot will not move. I limp to the shower, hoping that my foot was just asleep. Then I realize that I am having trouble getting my left arm above my head to wash my hair…

Off to the ER.

Their first guess: I had a stroke.

The outcome: Orders to stay lying flat for 24 hours.

The next week I am put through a gauntlet of MRIs and tests. I soon become numb to the loud screeching, banging, and pulsing of the MRI machine and I know that I need to get out of this damn hospital.

I am eventually released from the hospital diagnosed with a “one off” occurrence. Basically, they found a few spots on the MRI, but could not diagnose me with anything. I began to worry. What would the future hold for me? Is this really a one off?

Months later, after making a full recovery, I notice my leg feeling numb once again. This time, it was my right leg…

After another MRI, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

For most people the day they were diagnosed with a chronic illness will remain as one of the hardest days of their lives. What would my future look like? Already, my mind started to imagine a future where I had children that I could not play with because of being “disabled”. Even worse, I started to imagine a life alone, never finding my soul mate.

I was at rock bottom. Where would I go from here?

It all started with a simple thought. “What can I control in my life?”

Sure, I can’t control my “Multiple Sclerosis future,” but there are so many other things I can control!

Mental fitness, physical fitness, my career, my relationships, my spirituality; I started to take control of everything within my power.

The amazing part is that my life did not only take a turn for the better, I am now happier than I have ever been! Since being diagnosed I am in better shape, I have gotten multiple promotions, I bought the lake house of my dreams, and best of all, I met my soul mate!

I still have my bad days; there is no doubt about it. Symptoms suck, doctor’s appointments suck, tests suck, but it does not control my life. I CONTROL MY LIFE.

Not a day goes by that I do not think about my illness. But, I think life is too short to let your illness take the wind out of your sails.

And now I want to help you get the same results. I want to help you get through this tough time in your life and I think you will be surprised just how great your life can be after being diagnosed with chronic illness. I know I am.

The first step is simple: Go to my START HERE page and lets get started!

eBook For The Newly Diagnosed

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