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Can’t Stop Me Wrist Band


With or without a chronic illness, life is tough. This bracelet is a reminder that you will keep a positive mental attitude throughout life’s journey. The first reason to wear the wrist band is to remind yourself that you can persevere. Everyone has bad days. By wearing your wrist band you remind yourself that you are fighter, and your illness will not win the battle.



What does it mean to wear a Cant Stop Me bracelet?

With or without a chronic illness, life is tough. This bracelet is a reminder that you will keep a positive mental attitude throughout life’s journey. The first reason to wear the wrist band is to remind yourself that you can persevere. Everyone has bad days. By wearing your wrist band you remind yourself that you are fighter, and your illness will not win the battle. The second reason to wear the wrist band is the optional challenge outlined below. This challenge is meant to be a constant reminder to be the best version of you.

Optional Challenge While Wearing the Bracelet

  1. A reminder to not complain:
    With chronic illness we are allowed to show our emotions and find a shoulder to cry on. This is not suggesting that you hold in your emotions. This band is a reminder not to complain about the little things in life and to enjoy every moment you have. There are two rules:

    1. You can complain if you are giving feedback and have a solution that goes along with your complaint
    2. If your chronic illness is getting you down, you can talk with someone and let yourself vent. Letting out your emotions (especially with chronic illness) is great stress relief.
  2. A reminder to not procrastinate:
    We all do it. We all put off easy tasks for later. This band should remind you to get those tasks done sooner rather than later. There are two rules:

    1. If you see a task that can take less than 15 minutes to complete (and you are not running late for something) than you have to complete the task.
    2. If you do not have the energy to complete a task because of your chronic illness, do not stress over it. This band it supposed to help you build better habits, not make you stressed.

When do I need to switch wrists with the bracelet?

Any time that you break one of the two promises above, you must change the wrist band to the other wrist. This is a reminder to stay on track.


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