
Spring Cleaning- 7 Habits to End This Spring

Believe me, after getting over 9 feet of snow in Boston in 2014, we are all ready for spring.

If you were like me, all you could wait for was February 2nd just to see if that stupid ground hog would see its shadow again and doom the world into another 6 more weeks of winter.

Guess what?

He saw his dam shadow… The cherry on top of this god forsaken season they call winter.

Finally the snow has melted (at least most of it), the birds are singing, and spring flowers are beginning to blossom.

Mother Nature has melted away the snow, but she is not done yet. She has left a remembrance of broken gutters, sand on the streets, and branches in the yard. Time for the spring clean up to begin. The good part? You’ve been locked up for far too long –time to get outside.

Now let’s all be honest. If my intuition is correct, the majority of New Year’s resolutions have already melted away like the snow in your front yard. I am not stupid. I know how it works. Today I ate lunch with 5 friends who all started the year eating salads every day.  Now their plates are filled with pizzas, hotdogs, and chicken wings. Go figure!

In comes the spring. It’s time to restart those New Year’s Resolutions and end those bad habits.

Stop hitting snooze on your alarm

Imagine being given a one in 400 trillion opportunity. An opportunity of a life time. Would you be excited? Excited enough to jump out of bed in the morning and take advantage? One in 400 trillion is the statistical odds of you being placed on this earth. Make your time count. Get out of bed!

Stop sweating the small stuff

The waitress forgot to take the onions off of your burger? You are stuck in traffic? Your dog left mud prints on the floor? WHO CARES? Get over it. Move on. They say that frowning causes more wrinkles then smiling. Start smiling more often.

Stop checking your phone every 5 minutes

Trust me, technology can wait. Do me a favor: next time you are talking with someone face to face, don’t touch your phone. How genuine can you be if you are playing with your phone in the middle of a conversation? Same goes to meetings. If you need to be on the phone during a meeting, than guess what? The meeting may not important.

Stop eating in front of the TV

It’s making you fat.

Stop making excuses about not going to the gym

It’s making you fat.

Stop talking about others without them present

Everyone was always taught that talking bad about someone behind their back is not the right thing to do. What we do not realize is that it is just as important to say good things about someone while they are present. Make someones day.

Stop consuming bull sh*t

I had to say it. Stop consuming all of the junk in today’s media. Everywhere you look there is a slimy article, or a bad news story. Stop listening all together. How are you supposed to live a positive life if you keep consuming negativity? Replace the junk media with anything that will help you learn something new and valuable. Want to have a good garden this year? Start reading. What to learn a new language? Start listening. Anything is better than the negative media we have today.

Remember to spring forward, not backwards. As you clean up your yard, think of ways you can clean up your life.  I promise you won’t regret it.
