What is Your Ideal Day?

Ideal Self

What is your ideal day? Have you ever sat down and tried to answer that question?

I am not talking about who you are to others, but deep down who do you want to be? Are you living the life of your dreams or are you just floating along waiting for your days on this earth to end?

Living the life of your dreams should not wait. In fact, it should start right now.

Grab a piece of paper and start writing.

Let’s start with the superficial. How do others perceive you? List the people that you interact with every day. In their perspective, what qualities of yours do they admire? What qualities do they see as weaknesses?

Once you have finished with the superficial, it is time to dig deeper into who you are today, and who you want to become tomorrow.

What would the ideal you look like? Take time to write down what the ideal you would look like in the following categories:

  1. Nutrition – What would you be eating?
  2. Physical- How often would you work out?
  3. Spiritual – Would you be more religious, or maybe meditate?
  4. Intellectual – Would you learn more? Read more books?
  5. Family – What would you do to build a better relationship with your family?
  6. Friends – What would you do to build a better relationship with your friends?
  7. Work – What kind of employee would you be? What would you do different if you always acted like it was your first day on the job?

After journaling about the categories above, answer one last question. What would your ideal day look like? So many people do not spend the time to put in perspective what their ideal day would look like. From morning to night, what would you do? Who would you spend it with? Where would you be?

At this point you should have a pretty good understanding of the person you want to be, and the things that your ideal person would do day to day.

The big question is what is stopping you?

The answer: YOU.

Everyone was born with the same innate ability to become whoever they would like to be in this world. Your own mental blockages are stopping you from achieving your dreams.

We all have 24 hours on this earth. Why is it that some people seem to get more done in those same 24 hours? I would argue it is not about their motivation. I would argue that some days high achievers have the same de-motivated feeling that we all feel.

So what is the difference between high achievers and you?


You just outlined what your ideal self and your ideal day would look like. What habits and routines will you need to create your ideal self?

Did you know that the majority of CEOs, have morning routines? Proof that they have created habits that will get them through even the toughest days.

Need help creating these habits? Check out this article.

Still don’t know where to start? Contact me. I am more than willing to help. If all you need is a few short conversations to get you going, I am more than willing to help. AT NO COST. Yes, no cost to you. All I care to see is that others can achieve their goals, dreams, and become their ideal self.

God Bless,



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